My Everyday Commute Carry

The Things I Take With My On My Daily Commute To Work

Dom Kwolczak
10 min readOct 7, 2022

Like many of us, I commute to work by train. The journey roughly takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on whether I have to catch a connecting train. Having been using various modes of public transport over the years, I know that the journeys can sometimes be rough.

That’s why I decided to share the items I take with me to make the journey more enjoyable. At this point, you’re probably wondering why I don’t just drive to work. Well, the truth is that I never really had the need. Working in large towns with a lack of parking spaces and where the traffic can be horrendous, you’d be silly not to utilise public transport, particularly if you have access to it practically from your doorstep.

If you ever plan to commute regularly, having appropriate gear is important. For example, as the train station is around a 10-minute drive or 25-minute walk, I like to hire an e-scooter which I drop off at the station. It makes life so much easier because not only do I not have to pay for parking at the station, but I don’t need to carry an e-scooter onto the train. To be honest, here in the UK, I can’t even legally ride a personal e-scooter. It has to be a rental scooter that is part of the government’s trial.



Dom Kwolczak

I'm Dom, a tech and productivity enthusiast living in the UK. I share stories about my experience with tech, reviews, tips and more.